maanantai 9. tammikuuta 2012


The first time I heard about 25i-NBOMe, I couldn´t believe the grandeur people were constantly connecting to the substance. How I ended up reading about it in the first place lies deep in the back of my memory, as I only recall surfing the vast sea of cyberspace out of boredom when my eyes laid sight on this particular drug. But the mysticism surrounding the subject was interesting enough for me to keep on the look for more information, which unfortunately was unavailable. This only took my curiosity to even higher levels, and after some devoted effort, I managed to find some fundamental information about the drug. After reading some very differing trip reports I summed up the following:

- 25i-NBOMe was a fairly new research chemical with psychedelic effects similar to LSD
- Recreational use has been around for a while, even though the drug is fairly difficult to obtain
- People all around the web were thirsty for information concerning the actual "trip" as many are/were uncertain wether to try it out or not

I myself have been a fan of psychedelic drug for some time now, and as probably many of you, I too started experiences with LSD. Since my first times with acid, I have been to some degree a "regular user" and my interests to see other perspectives of psychedelic tripping took off like a rocket to the sky. So far my experiences include pretty much every psydrug the world has to offer. Or so I though. 

Looking more into complex compounds like 25i-NBOMe, revealed to me tons of new substances I had never even heard of. Well my lust for knowledge through experimenting combined with a passion to mind expanding drug use (a little lack of common sense), I decided to take my research to a new level. Finding out if I had means to obtaining any of these. 

And as you might guess, I did, and after some arrangements I was a proud but slightly scared owner of five 750 mic. blotters of 25i-NBOMe. According to some reports, inhaling the stuff was apparently the most certain way of inducing a full trip, but to be honest, I´m no chemist expert and I lack the capacity of understanding anything concerning chemical compound structure etc...Besides, I had them in blotters, and my friend who helped me obtaining them told me buccal consumption was sufficient. Makes sense I suppose. 

I need to tell you, that I fully realized the absurd stupidity of my experiment, as I knew that messing with research chemicals was probably the dumbest fucking thing to do, but curiosity and desire for adventure overcame me the moment I was hesitating. I though to myself, even if I lose my mind, or win (lose) a eternal and never ending trip (and probably a free pass to a mental hospital), I did it so that the world would know not to commit the same mistakes. Then again, I guess it was just the stupid part of me convincing the logical part to stop thinking and grow some balls. 

Sorry if this part makes no fucking sense but I guess it´s to be expected. 
   First things first. I sure as hell did not want to take this ride all by myself, so I called up a good friend who shares similar love to psychedelic experiences, and after some serious talk about the possible bad outcomes he decided to join me in my voyage. In order to ensure minimal risk of unpleasant surroundings, we decided to drive just the two of us in my friends summerhouse, far but not too far away from populated areas. 

Along with us we took our trusted Genelec 6010a speakers to ensure our soon-to-be trip would not lack music to calm us down. Also we had some microwave meals (easily prepared) and a case of beer (I had read from a few trip reporters that alcohol would calm the effects if things were to get too intense). Everything was ready. What was left to do was initiating the journey to our minds. 

Two and a half blotters each, which would roughly be 1,875 mg´s each. Blotters were inserted under upper lip and stored there exactly 25 minutes. First observation was the taste of the liquid that dripped from the blotters onto the tongue. The taste was very unpleasant, clearly that of a strange chemical. I could feel the liquid evaporate slowly on my tongue, giving this disagreeable sensation of losing the touch of my mouth. The liquid that got to the stomach along with my saliva gave me a slight stomach ache which was a little unsettling at first, but the discomfort went away after around 30 minutes (my friend reported to have the same feeling and one strong wave of pain in the stomach that went quickly away after the trip). 

After taking the blotters out we tried to take away the taste with some soda and water, but without success. We figured the liquid might be fat-soluble so we ate cookies with some butter and that did the trick. Now all we had to do was wait.

According to multiple trip reports I read before my own experiment, the effects of the drug were clearly visible after around 20-30 minutes of ingestion, but after 1 hour of inserting the blotters, only ongoing effect was slight ooziness and occasional disorientation. We mostly talked and sat around (smoked a few cigarettes in between) in order to be immediately aware if stronger effects were to emerge. 

After one hour and thirty minutes still no clear effects had presented themselves, so we were assuming perhaps the dosage was too little or the drug had lost it´s potency because of possible exposure to UV- light or room temperature (the drug sounded like a very complex one, so we though it could be possible the structure was VERY unstable, much similar to LSD). We lighted a fire in the fireplace and decided to wait at least another 2 hours just to be sure.

30 minutes later something started happening. An immense euphoric feeling filled us (not mental but very much physical). Motor functions became clearly deteriorated, and occasional bursts of laughter were occurring. Acid like awareness of surrounding space became more and more constant and everything surrounding us started to vibrate. So far nothing that special but we both were exited and a little nervous because the drug had kicked in so late and we were still pretty much unaware of the potency of the substance. Then again what made (especially me) more relaxed was the amazing sensation of euphoria throughout my whole body. 

Very clear hallucinations very visible when focusing sight in objects or things but the surroundings seemed pretty normal so far. I´m not sure of the actual time, but I believe roughly  2 hours after taking the blotters the hallucinations were extremely vivid and the euphoric bodyhigh became (in a very strange way) a little scary. The constant comfort seemed to me like I had injected heroin (I never have, but I guess it would give a similar sensation of "someone could saw my leg off and I would feel alright") but after a while it calmed down to a very pleasant level (the kind of comfort when peaking on mushrooms). 

By that time we had only talked and analyzed the happenings around us and we both agreed that the growth of effects was stabilizing itself. We decided it was time to see what the drug was made of so opened the laptop (connected to the speakers) and started playing music. 

This is probably the peak of the trip we had. For around 2 hours we listened non stop to different types of music of which each one was individually an indescribable and astonishing experience. We noticed that in order to fully emerge the potency of the drug we had to keep still and give ourselves to the music. During this time we would not talk, only listen, each of us tripping the way they felt most comfortable with(walking around, sitting eyes closed, observing). After each song we would have a pause, and analyze the things we saw or felt, and prepared ourselves for another round (the actual tripping was pretty intensive). 

The fire in the fireplace was probably the best decision we made during the whole day/night. Not once did we feel so disorientated that maintaining a fire was not possible (even though it was dangerous considering the house was made of wood). The whole night turned around the fireplace which emitted a fascinating and mystical light that filled us with this sort of down-to-earth feeling. 

I will try my best to describe the actual tripping. At first my whole concentration would be on the amazing sounds that came from the speakers (In case you want to know the tripping started when we listened to Feed Me´s Chain Smoker, from which we went on to some Justice, Deadmau5 and finally Shpongle (was my favorite)). I would close my eyes and the music would create bright and colorful patterns and fractal shapes in my mind. I could clearly feel the music somehow flowing through my body creating amazing sensations of unity with the sounds. After opening my eyes I was very surprised to see that the very vivid hallucinations suddenly were visible around me the same way they presented themselves in my mind. Suddenly my entire field of vision started twisting and took a purple theme while I could distinguish faces and aztec like symbols all around me. The fire would start curling around the wall like hundreds of snakes and every time a musical drop happened the shapes would quickly change form and colors. 

The closest I could describe it, I suppose, would be a mixture of a strong mushroom like body high and very imaginative hallucinations similar to LSD. The music was not sharp and fast as a guillotine which usually comes when listening to music on acid, but more of a slithering and jelly like wobbling like when on mushrooms. All in all, I have had more astonishing trips in my life, but the unbelievably pleasant body high made the mind expanding sensations much more fantastic.

I would say the trip was fairly moderate, but what really made this drug so special, was that both of us were so completely aware at what part of the trip we were in. Normally on acid the confusion and astounding magnitude of the trip when the drug kicks in confuses me, and I lose one fourth of the peaking into not realizing I´m actually tripping balls, whereas on 25i-NBOMe I immediately knew I was peaking so I could fully exploit the best parts of the trip. 

Also another thing very much worth mentioning would be the fact that the euphoric feeling stays on long after the mind expanding effects start coming down. Again in comparison with LSD, I have noticed that the comedown of the trip after peaking on acid, is fairly unpleasant. The world starts making sense again and the amazing tripping fades away, making you feel like you could have handled a lot more, leaving you with rather scary thoughts and unwelcome ideas. When the comedown came on 25i-NBOMe, disturbing thoughts were distinguishable but the continuous ease made up for it. 

As my final analyze, 25i-NBOMe was somewhat similar to LSD, but with a trip meter following the Gaussian curve. A very smooth and controllable trip with an extremely soft comedown. LSD on the other hand, is more spectacular, more impressive, but it comes with the price that the last 3-4 hours of the trip will be sleepless and depressing. I loved the trip I had with 25i-NBOMe, and I´m sure I will do it again sometime, but it´s more of an slumberparty trip than an adventurous trip. I strongly suggest you test it (IF you decide to test it) with a close friend in a calm environment. Then again I canno´t say for sure wether the drug is adaptable with different kind of situations. 

NEVER under ANY circumstances should you try research chemicals. It´s extremely dangerous and in the worst case you could die. I canno´t know for sure wether it has done some damage to my body, but no symptoms of anything have shown up, so I think I´m all clear. What I did was really fucking retarded anyway, and I´m ashamed I can take this stupid of a risk. I hope my trip report has helped you. 


Ps: I apologize for possible grammatical mistakes as english is not my native language.